Why Rabbi Nachman?
I want to tell you...with all my heart...WHY RABBI NACHMAN?
I felt the light of Rabbi Nachman guide me throught my teshuva process (returning to God's ways). After I already became religious, and when I began learning the teachings of Rabbi Nachman from his books, I realised that I was already send the light of this knowledge even before the process started!
Rabbi Nachman said "The whole world's tikkun (correction) is dependant on me" to let us know what a special soul he was, as he told us of his purpose in this world: "I only came to this world to bring the souls of the Jewish people close to their father in heaven." And after reaching great levels of holiness and spirituality, he knew the whole Torah 'Orchard' on the palm of his hand, the laws, the Talmud, the sages, the secrets of the Kaballa, he knew it all by heart, and yet his manner was so simple and pleasant towards people, and his way was to hide the miracles which he performed. Rabbi Nachman continued his great grandfather's path (The great holy Baal-Shem Tov) to spread the knowledge of the importance of every jew...every jew was a jewel in his eyes. He worked for Hashem so hard in his life, and he said, despite his knowledge in Torah, that his main issue is prayer! That he came to the world to help us realise how important we are, and how important our prayers are, and how much Hashem wants to hear our prayers!
Rabbi Nachman passed on his teachings to a large group of followers, through the great assistance of his right hand help - Rabbi Natan. The students of Rabbi Nachman are called under the name Breslov, which is the name of the town Rabbi Nachman dwelled and his students congregated before his move to Uman, the place of his burial, where he lived several months before his passing.
Whilst his most famous work is the Torah masterpiece Likutei Moharan,
He has many works that help the reader realise many aspects of the soul and life, and Hashem's path, and advice to get close to Hashem.
As well as this Rabbi Nachman told his students (who were great learned sages) 'Tales of Ancient years' which are fascinating stories full of hidden secrets, and, as Rabbi Nachman explained, contain very lofty Torah disguised inside, to help us awake from the 'sleepiness' of mundane life.
Towards the end of his life, after a life full of dedication to Hashem's path, the Torah, and to the Jewish people (of then and of the future), after a life full of soul cleansing fasts (as is known that fasts cleanse the soul), after all those thousands of fasts, Rabbi Nachman revealed to us, that the highest service of G-d is prayer. Prayer on an individual path that is called hitbodedut - to speak to Hashem from our heart as we would to our father or to a good friend.
Before his passing Rabbi Nachman's daughter said she was scared of him passing away. So he went into the next room, closed the door and said to her "Can you hear me? I am in the next room. This is just how it's going to be after I pass to the next world." He also strengthened us by saying things like, "What do you have to worry, when I am walking before you?" and, "Rely on my strength."
In his life, Rabbi Nachman gathered his students (hundreds from all around Western Europe) very new year Rosh Hashana, to gather together and pray, eat meals with him and hear his Torah. He said that on Rosh Hashana he can act as the defendant for whoever comes to him, and pass him through the judgement of the Rosh Hashana, where the books of the deeds of each jew and of the whole world are opened in the upper court. This is why I, as do thousands of followers these days, gather in Uman, in the Ukraine, every Rosh Hashana...to receive the light of Rabbi Nachman time after time, greater every time, growing and growing, and increase the passion for Hashem within our hearts, while receiving the guidance and protection from above, from where his soul is high up in Gan Eden (The Garden of Eden).
The Wonder of Uman Rosh Hashana
Rabbi Nachman explains that he begged Hashem throughout his life, to show him what would be the greatest correction for the soul, and for atoning for sin. Towards the end of his life, he uncovered the ten psalms which Hashem reveled to him to be a great correction for the soul, called the "The Tikkun Haklalli" meaning "The overall correction." Before his passing, Rabbi Nachman took two witnesses and promised, at their presence, that whoever comes to him (to his grave site) and gives a penny to charity, and reads these ten psalms, he will make all efforts possible to lift him from the depths of impurity and the lowest spiritual places that he has fallen to.
Its certainly a true privilage to be one of Rabbi Nachman's students, and a great pleasure and light for the soul, heart and mind, to learn his teachings and to follow his advice...and be part of the selected group that make the pilgrimage to his grave at certain specific times in the year, especially for Rosh Hashana....
And from the depths of my heart I wish this for every one.
Much blessings,
I want to tell you...with all my heart...WHY RABBI NACHMAN?
I felt the light of Rabbi Nachman guide me throught my teshuva process (returning to God's ways). After I already became religious, and when I began learning the teachings of Rabbi Nachman from his books, I realised that I was already send the light of this knowledge even before the process started!
Rabbi Nachman said "The whole world's tikkun (correction) is dependant on me" to let us know what a special soul he was, as he told us of his purpose in this world: "I only came to this world to bring the souls of the Jewish people close to their father in heaven." And after reaching great levels of holiness and spirituality, he knew the whole Torah 'Orchard' on the palm of his hand, the laws, the Talmud, the sages, the secrets of the Kaballa, he knew it all by heart, and yet his manner was so simple and pleasant towards people, and his way was to hide the miracles which he performed. Rabbi Nachman continued his great grandfather's path (The great holy Baal-Shem Tov) to spread the knowledge of the importance of every jew...every jew was a jewel in his eyes. He worked for Hashem so hard in his life, and he said, despite his knowledge in Torah, that his main issue is prayer! That he came to the world to help us realise how important we are, and how important our prayers are, and how much Hashem wants to hear our prayers!
Rabbi Nachman passed on his teachings to a large group of followers, through the great assistance of his right hand help - Rabbi Natan. The students of Rabbi Nachman are called under the name Breslov, which is the name of the town Rabbi Nachman dwelled and his students congregated before his move to Uman, the place of his burial, where he lived several months before his passing.
Whilst his most famous work is the Torah masterpiece Likutei Moharan,
He has many works that help the reader realise many aspects of the soul and life, and Hashem's path, and advice to get close to Hashem.
As well as this Rabbi Nachman told his students (who were great learned sages) 'Tales of Ancient years' which are fascinating stories full of hidden secrets, and, as Rabbi Nachman explained, contain very lofty Torah disguised inside, to help us awake from the 'sleepiness' of mundane life.
Towards the end of his life, after a life full of dedication to Hashem's path, the Torah, and to the Jewish people (of then and of the future), after a life full of soul cleansing fasts (as is known that fasts cleanse the soul), after all those thousands of fasts, Rabbi Nachman revealed to us, that the highest service of G-d is prayer. Prayer on an individual path that is called hitbodedut - to speak to Hashem from our heart as we would to our father or to a good friend.
Before his passing Rabbi Nachman's daughter said she was scared of him passing away. So he went into the next room, closed the door and said to her "Can you hear me? I am in the next room. This is just how it's going to be after I pass to the next world." He also strengthened us by saying things like, "What do you have to worry, when I am walking before you?" and, "Rely on my strength."
In his life, Rabbi Nachman gathered his students (hundreds from all around Western Europe) very new year Rosh Hashana, to gather together and pray, eat meals with him and hear his Torah. He said that on Rosh Hashana he can act as the defendant for whoever comes to him, and pass him through the judgement of the Rosh Hashana, where the books of the deeds of each jew and of the whole world are opened in the upper court. This is why I, as do thousands of followers these days, gather in Uman, in the Ukraine, every Rosh Hashana...to receive the light of Rabbi Nachman time after time, greater every time, growing and growing, and increase the passion for Hashem within our hearts, while receiving the guidance and protection from above, from where his soul is high up in Gan Eden (The Garden of Eden).
The Wonder of Uman Rosh Hashana
Rabbi Nachman explains that he begged Hashem throughout his life, to show him what would be the greatest correction for the soul, and for atoning for sin. Towards the end of his life, he uncovered the ten psalms which Hashem reveled to him to be a great correction for the soul, called the "The Tikkun Haklalli" meaning "The overall correction." Before his passing, Rabbi Nachman took two witnesses and promised, at their presence, that whoever comes to him (to his grave site) and gives a penny to charity, and reads these ten psalms, he will make all efforts possible to lift him from the depths of impurity and the lowest spiritual places that he has fallen to.
Its certainly a true privilage to be one of Rabbi Nachman's students, and a great pleasure and light for the soul, heart and mind, to learn his teachings and to follow his advice...and be part of the selected group that make the pilgrimage to his grave at certain specific times in the year, especially for Rosh Hashana....